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THYME RED (Thymus vulgaris)

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Price £6.95 inc. VAT
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Code: 67A

Thyme Red (Thymus vulgaris)

Location: Thyme grows in Algeria, France, Morocco, Israel, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is pale yellow in colour with a warm, spicy-herbaceous and powerful aroma.

Description: A small bush reaching to about 20cm high with small greyish-green oval leaves and tiny purple flowers.

Background: Long known to the early Greeks and Romans for its antiseptic properties. Thyme is much used in cooking for its flavour and is popularly grown in the warmer parts of the Mediterranean region.

Note: The essential oil of wild thyme is distilled from Thymus serpyllum has similar properties to the essential oil of Thymus vulgaris.

Properties: Digestive, stimulant, antiseptic, diuretic and expectorant.

Precaution: This oil is best used in lower concentrations as it may cause irritation in sensitive people.


Digestive System-Helps with sluggish digestion can stimulate the appetite, especially during convalescence.

Circulatory System- Can stimulate the circulation and can raise low blood pressure.

Skin- Helpful with wounds sores and boils.

Emotion- Cheers the heart lifts the spirits and promotes courage.

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THYME RED (Thymus vulgaris)

THYME RED (Thymus vulgaris)
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